Enabling vocational skills to bridge employment gap

Our Skills program prepares self-reliant youth and adults who can contribute towards the nation’s progress. We do this by specialized skills training programs based on our 4C Model for creating Competent, Compassionate, Conscientious Changemakers. We strive to work on a consolidated, high impact effort on its part to provide employable, value-based skills to all our students. Our curriculum not only focuses on IQ, but also addresses social quotient (SQ) and emotional quotient (EQ).

The Need

While working with the community for decades, this program was a natural growth for the organization, to graduate from child education program to skills upgradation program; in other words from play-way to placements.

Alarming Facts

In 2018, the global unemployment rate stood at 5.0 per cent – matching pre-crisis levels. Youth were three times more likely to be unemployed than adults.

India sits on an opportune moment in history, with a demographic dividend of 65% of her human resource pool under the age of 35 with about 12 million individuals expected to join the workforce every year.

It is estimated that the Indian workforce will increase to approximately 600 million in year 2022 from the current 473 million as per India skills Report 2018.

In 2018, one fifth of the world’s youth were not in education, employment or training, meaning that they were neither gaining professional experience nor acquiring or developing skills through educational or vocational programmes in their prime years.

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Our Solution

Our Model Approach

The program prepares self-reliant youth who can contribute towards the nation’s progress. We do this by specialized skills training programs based on our 4C Model for creating Competent, Compassionate, Conscientious and Changemakers.



Enhance competency among learners by offering a diverse opportunities in various academic programmes designed as per their needs. All the programmes have been developed in partnership with industry experts. Technology is used as a tool to facilitate learning. The teaching process surpasses the blackboard-chalk rather the sessions are conducted through multimedia system.



The students are taught to respect all religions and thus all the festivals irrespective of any religious conviction are celebrated. Feedback on their learnings and reflections are documented by the students. The students begin their day with a prayer and by writing thought of the day on the white board in the hallway. Moral values are inculcated as a part of classroom teaching. Special spiritual sessions are conducted on regular basis.



As a practice, the students contribute to cleanliness drives in their campus to enhance ownership of the college and appreciate the hygienic practices. Regular sessions on personality development and awareness on their rights and duties augment their learning in classrooms. Monthly analysis of attendance of the students is done and displayed don the notice board so that the student stays alert on his regularity.



Students identify critical social issues close to their heart and volunteer for it to spread awareness and undertake sensitization activities. Students interested in education of the communities conduct adult literacy classes, non formal education classes and book reading sessions for the beneficiaries of their areas, while students keen on working gender or sanitation issues take up rallies, street theatre, cleanliness drives in their neighborhood areas to spread awareness on the causes.

Project Kaushal

We aim to provide transformative, personal and skill-based education through the optimum use of technology to the marginalized and disadvantaged thereby enhancing employability and self-reliance.

We are part of Global Development Goals

Our Skill Upgradation Program promotes SDG 08 for promoting sustained inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all through training in various need based courses and offering placement support. The program further strives to achieve SDG 01 by promoting self and wage employment, skill training so that poverty can be put to an end in all its forms through social and economic development.


and more youth skilled and made employable


and more youth contributed in their family income


percent and more youth successfully found employment

Stories of Change

Dheeraj received training in Life Skills, attended Behavioural Training workshops and Community Development activities at Navjyoti India Foundation transformed her into a more energetic, amiable, fresh, better responsive, optimistic being who is highly sensitive towards underprivileged. She believes that the Opportunity knocks on everyone’s door; however, what matters is how you grab it and make the best out of it. The on-job training at Yamaha training soared her confidence level and honed her skills further. The training encouraged her to get determined to pursue it a serious career post completion of the Course.